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​Copy edits can be done on the entire manuscript or in blocks of 10,000 words

Copy editing is what most people think of when they think of editing. It focuses on mechanics, grammar and spelling, ensuring everything is correct, accurate and consistent. At this point in the editing process, the narrative structure should be solid. There shouldn't be any major rewrites or reformatting of ideas necessary.


Copy editing includes but is not limited to:

  • Correcting errors in spelling, grammar and usage

  • Ensuring consistency in spelling, numbers and abbreviations

  • Flagging necessary citations, copyrights and permissions


Copy editing is done in Word using track changes. At the end of the process, two versions will be returned: a clean copy with all the changes accepted and a marked-up copy with all the changes visible.


AClarke Editorial offers two levels of copy editing: light and heavy. A light copy edit only fixes mechanical errors in the text. A heavy copy edit fixes errors in conjunction with a stylistic edit, which clarifies meaning, ensures coherence and flow, and refines the language. A heavy copy edit may also include fact checking.

The mechanics of copy editing
Copy Editing: Services
Copy Editing: Testimonials

Amanda took the time and trouble to research the facts and historical aspects of my writing, ensuring that all the smallest details were correct down to the spelling and usage of a foreign language. She gently queried my contentious opinions and steered me in the right direction with emotionally charged issues. Amanda was also sensitive to how these issues are interrogated and interpreted in a different culture and how opinions may be misinterpreted. This sensitivity is the hallmark of a good person.

Andy Stewart, Kataza

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